A good time was had by all at the first Kids Halloween Party held by the MKDSA at the NHS. There were plenty of scary faces that turned up for the fun, and the kids looked pretty scary as well!!
The Junior Dons played spooky pass the parcel, musical chairs, freaky dancing, apple bobbing, grungy bucket dipping, lucky dips and slug bobbing in spooky white ghost powder! Fantastic fun!
Also there were competitions for the loudest scream, scariest face and best dress boy and girl for each age group.
Even the Mums and Dads got in on the fun with an adult version of musical chairs which was very competitive, especially the Mums. Several forfeits were handed out for cheating and a few Mums and Dads got very wet during the apple bobbing forfeits.
A big thank you to all that attended. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves, and look forward to seeing you all at future events.
Another big thank you to our Young Dons coordinator Tracy Harris who put a lot of effort into organizing the fun and games and a big thank you to Mark Payne for who did a great job as MC for the evening's events.
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