Here is your chance to express your thoughts and concerns and let us have your comments. Simply email us
The Mighty Quinn
Where to start! It’s the morning after my second ever visit to watch THE DONS and I’m still on a high. Great game, some missed opportunities, but nonetheless we got a result. The atmosphere was brilliant and I find myself singing along with all the other fans and sharing the euphoria as yet another great goal is scored.
I think my 16 year old son is regretting taking his mom along as a Saturday afternoon treat that first time as now, I know the dates of all the home games.
I was so into this Tuesdays game (18th Oct.) that it was almost half time before I asked who we were actually playing lol.
I already have my fav player, you can’t fault the skills and speed of Stephen Quinn. And with him in mind I dedicate my cheer;
'Come all without, come all within, you ain’t seen nothing like THE MIGHTY QUINN'
See you on the 29th lads.
Sade, mom of a very embarrassed 16yr old named Derek :0) (he luvs me really)
Just a quick note to say Thank You for inviting our two boys (Nathaniel and Nile) to take part in the half time entertainment at the Dons V Exeter match last night.
They both had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed taking part, they both came of the pitch saying "can we do it again?".
Many thanks again.
Rebecca and Ralph
(on behalf on Nathaniel and Nile)
Mk Dons 3 Exeter 2.
Exeter came and give the dons a fright !.
On reflection of how the dons have started this years campaign.
I still think they will struggle.
The commitment is still lacking.
If one of the players loses the ball. It's almost expectant that one of his team mates will do the job
of getting back possession.
We still have to sharpen up the passing.
Sometimes we try and play too much trickery and entertaining football.
Wait until you see some of the other teams in this league play.
More direct, simple and basic. These teams are the ones at the top end of the table.
Hello. Its Nicki here from the Ex Cheerleaders of MK Dons.
My sister Alli and I would be very grateful if you would pass on for us through your site, a very big Thank you to everyone who has asked us where we are, why we aren't dancing this season and especially for everyone's support over the last two years. We and the girls have had a great time and met many new and great friends. We have often felt as though we were banging our heads against the wall when it came to the management at the club which is one of the reason we have resigned due to the awful comments made about the girls by one of these Managers. It would be lovely if you could forward to me any letters/emails that you received re supporting the girls so that I can put them on the notice board when we resume back to dancing. I think they would like to look at these letters so they realise that all their efforts were appreciated especially when alot of the time they danced in the rain, snow and wind without even a thankyou from the club itself.
I, Nicki, will continue to be a seaon ticket holder but I'm afraid my sister has no intentions of stepping one foot into the Hockey Stadium.
We wish the Supporters club all the very best for the forthcoming future and again
***Attention All Cowgirls***
Well Done at todays match! You did really well! Some of the stunts didnt go quite as planned but you all had a smile on your faces and thats what matters!
I have noticed that there are some negative comments about the girls and i would just like to say that we appriciate that you have lost your cheerleaders but we are not the people to aim your anger at - We had nothing to do with any decisions to do with the cheerleaders.
We are not at the games to be cheerleaders, and although i may have a biast point of view - THE COWGIRLS ARE GREAT and all they want is a little support from the crowd, afterall we are all Dons fans. WELL DONE again Cowgirls!
Chief Cowgirl
I miss the cheerleaders at half time the girls worked really hard and were very good entertainment. Nicki and all concerned put in 100% for the girls, it is a shame they did not get the backing. I do hope the girls do not get disheartened by this, and keep trying, their hard work will be noticed someday.
I am shocked and discusted to think that no one has actually realised that we are NOT there to be cheerleaders! If we were there to be cheerleaders we would have pom poms!!
We have been asked to be part of the MK Dons family entertainment and do more than march on the spot and wave our arms around as the previous ''Entertainment'' did. I would also like to put the recent news report straight. We are not and never have been the MK Donnets and if the ''cheerleaders'' really had a story then they should have got there facts right!
We are NOT replacing them and we have been performing beside them for some time. This was never the case and we are purly there as an accesory to the mascots and we are only doing what we are asked to do. We dont wish to be part of the Cheerleading War! Afterall we were always polite and said hello to the cheerleaders, weither this was returned or not is a different matter - lets just say that attitude goes a long way and the cheerleaders and there coaches had bad attitude and the best place for them to go is out the door!
Unfortunatly our last performance was not our best due to a technical fault - i appoligise for this. The Cowgirls will always give you a smile and a wave and help the mascots get your childern there photos and the signatures and are always pleased to help if possible, when where the cheerleaders with the fans and helping your children or actually looking like they were enjoying themselves NEVER! and if you are so critical, we do have an adult group, so if you feel like you can stand in front of 5000 people and do a better job - let me know!
I am one of the so called "Cow Girls" that you all feel sorry for because of our uniforms and performances! Our uniforms are well fitted and have had a lot of time and effort to be made we have had loads of compliments about them and people have said that we are much better than the old cheerleaders that just stood there and shook there pom-poms and didn't even give the fans a smile or cheer for the players when they came out! Our managers are really good teachers and take alot of time to teach us the routines we learn for YOU!!! If we didn't feel comfortable in the uniforms we use or the routines we perform we wouldn't do it!
I'm disgusted that some of the so called fans feel our time and effort is wasted on THEM! Obviously The MK Dons are happy with our performances other wise they would have asked us to leave as well as the others!
A disappointed "Cow Girl"
I agree with some of the comments made about the cheer leaders, they were good fun to watch and did put us to shame when we were huddled in our thick woollies. I watched with interest how the away fans reacted and they were always clapping them; my husband and I always cheered them in and out and we're really disappointed that they're not here this season, so I say stuff what management say, the fans want you back.
We do like the half time entertainment that we have now but we do miss those little dots in their smart outfits. We often joked that our future daughter would one day become a Dons Cheerleader, cheering on her future brother being a ball boy or even playing in his first match, but now that's just a dream.
The Cow girls. Hmmm.... Their outfits are shockingly awful and even a skinny stick supermodel would be hard pressed to look pleasing in one, so for girls to wear them is terrible, and yes it's a family club so bring back the cheer leaders and let the cow girls moooove on. This season I haven't even seen them dance, they just shadow Donny and Mooie, so I'm not sure why they're there. And as someone said before me, it's not the girls fault (I really don't mean to offend the girls), it's the adults that squeeze them into those dreadful outfits and make them and MKDons look ridiculous.
I was at the Norwich game last night and watched the half time so called 'entertainment' that was put on by the young ladies wearing the matching 'cow' costumes - I found their performance embarrassing to watch at the very least as it was totally disorganised and badly rehearsed.
I really felt very sorry for the young ladies in question for having to go through with their so called routines - the blame for this dismal showing clearly lies at the feet of the adult organisers of the group in question who should be fully ashamed of themselves.
I, for one, clearly hope that the cheerleaders from last year are brought back - otherwise, the whole idea should be scrapped until something better comes along.
Finally, I would like to apologise for being so blunt but I really felt very sorry for the girls in question.
Although a committee member I believe personal opinions count. I would certainly like to see `our` cheerleaders returned to the stadium for matches. They are still young and still learning but they always give 100% and are just a part of the football community as any supporter.
It must always be good to have young people involved as we develop MK`s own football league club - and if, as I understand it, the cheerleaders were told by the scribe who told them to leave that the club needed something "more raunchy" that would be moving away from the idea of making this a family club which chairman PW is always bragging about. Its one or the other and I much prefer the family club idea. BRING BACK OUR CHEERLEADERS
Gordon Rockett
Press and Media Officer
No cheerleaders! They were rubbish
Hi all,
I speak for some of us in the south stand. We really miss the cheerleaders. They brightened up half-time and on a freezing cold day, when we were feeling sorry for ourselves, out they came with in their flimsy little costumes and put us to shame and suddenly we all felt much warmer.
Although sometimes the music was a bit too loud and distorted over the speakers, on a bright summers day we could at least watch a lovely, colourful display. Even the away fans appreciated their performances.
Bring them back please.
Sorry girls, you were an embassement. It weren't cheerleading they was doing, if it was it was close to lead me out the door. All we now got to do is say good bye to the 'Cow Girls'
It was nice when they were at the matches. We could do with pre-match entertainment though. Now they have gone, it's not a problem as there are other half time entertainments.
17/8/05 It's so disappointing |
Once again here come the excuses from the management about our team being out played and if we only had more. I don’t know where Danny Wilson learnt his NLP from but he needs to get a refund.
I have only seen them play twice this year at Donny which for 20 mins we where good then our players left the field leaving there bodies to be ravaged by the Donny players how we didn’t go 3 or 4 nil down is down to luck and one great piece of goalkeeping by Baker.
And as for the first game to snatch a draw from the jaws of victory, well that just goes to show where these kids are mentally and why no other club wants them and why they are playing for us. Other than the tackle that Small put in to win the ball for the second goal we did not challenge all second half for the ball and allowed Bournemouth to play footy in our half it was like watching a basketball game.
We seem only to appear for a maximum of 45 minutes a game just like last season and I hear from others at the game on Saturday that they just didn’t appear.
I remember last season against Brentford who we tore apart in the first 25 mins that they had to kick us off the park to get back into the game and everyone was livid in the stands but unfortunately sometimes you have to get stuck in and if a crap team like Brentford can do it why cant we? I have seen these guys fight they are no pussys but they need to take their Oceana form onto the pitch if they are going to really dominate teams.
I know that next Tuesday they will play well they always do against much better opposition it’s a shame they don’t treat all the other teams in the league with the same respect then we might get a winning team, bottom three is not good enough especially with the players we have and how good Mr. Wilson is supposed to be.
Our goals have all come from good play i.e. passes along the floor and a bit of brilliance from Izale but we still insist in pumping it downfield when I have more chance of winning the lottery than Izale winning a header.
Lets keep it on the floor and kill these teams off and wherever Pensy is please someone go and find him and bring him back our central defense is shocking, sorry guys but you have nothing on the mountain from
Finally a note to our chairman, I know you know nothing about footy and that you are so tight it looks like you iron your own suites instead of taking them to the dry cleaners they’re so shiny. But prey tell me what are you doing with all the millions you are getting from raping MK taxpayers for your Winky world? As we can see you are not spending it on the team.And if you got some good people to run the club you might raise some extra cash also other than the lad with the glasses who is very nice in the box office and very good with customers the women there seem to find it such a hard life,twice I have been in there when people are trying to spend money and they walk out for a fag, and Mr WinklemanI don’t know if you noticed in the directors section of the grounds you visit but most clubs sell hats scarves and gloves that sort of thing that raise cash and more importantly profile I mean these are basic football requirements like oxygen and water for humans yet you still cant get them.
My friend was kindly told by one of your staff cant your granny knit? I hope you and your wife enjoy the money you make from the rest of MK but remember what goes around comes around and all the things everyone said about you and the club will come true unless you and only you as you own everything, do something very quickly. It seems to me you might be related to the Chairman of Wrexham.
05/06 Here Come The Dons!! |
It seems only yesterday i remember seein this, Goal kick from baker down the centre field, Platty heading it forward, mcleod into the path of the advancing Edds, Edds one sweeeeeet strike past the fully stretched arms of Achterberg into the bottom corner of the Cowshed net sending the NHS into raputres, and now only 5 days untill the new season starts.
The Pre-seaon has gone very well and my season ticket arrived on me door step last week, my shirt has been printed with mcleod, despite the fact i got the number 23 put on it only 4 days before wilson changed their numbers, my fault for not waiting i guess.
I have a much higher feeling of optimism about this season, after seeing us run West Brom ragged for almost the entire game i have felt a warmth that i know the team we have will go out there from the off to compete for a much higher spot this season,
The Daily mail has us down to be placed as 17th this season and they say the dons coulld be a suprise pacakage this season, i think they are right, The team is growing every day, the passion and support for the team in milton keynes continues to grow very rapidly, i see more people in dons shirts proud to be wearing them up the centre and out and about, i see more car stickers and more shops advertising comming fixtures, the dons are spreading their wings and there is no limit to what the future can hold for us starting from the moment Edds put that memorable ball into that net on the 84th minute on the Last game of the season.
We have a very enthusiastic chairman
We have a very good Manager who knows what he wants and has a good tactical brain
And we have the coaching staff backing him up who are all well known.
we have a young and talented sqaud some players which have signed new contracts despite much bigger teams wanting them such as villa wanting mcleod.
people have been so quick to dismiss us in the past this season brings us a new start, we have stopped the downward spiral dead and nows the time to show what we are really capable of right from the off, i dont think were looking at a struggle i think were looking at real competition for the top spots this season and i think we will be right in the thick of that race.
To all Dons, Players & Staff goodluck for the comming season we are all behind you, we will let you hear our voices and hopefully let it carry you through a very successful 05/06 season.
To all Fans, we have had many comments made by managers, and supporters of other teams saying we are some of the loudest supporters they have Heard and i know us Milton Keynes lot get alot of stick because everything around us is modern and most people hate the City, the team, and everything about Milton keynes but's i know we can be even louder than we were last season and i know we can show the rest of football that this team is growing and we're not a fake club but a club full of real passion and real supporters a club thats connected with its community. together we will cheer our team like any other club's fans will but we will be that little bit louder ;-)

Harvey, Ben and Daniel |
Half Time entertainment at the recent friendly against Premiership West Bromwich Albion included a skilful display by 5 junior footballers, all from local Under 10’s teams.
Beat the Goalie proved a difficult task for our talented juniors, with 9 year old keeper, Daniel Armstrong, being beaten only once on the night. MKDSA had been assured by his team mates that Daniel would put in a “blinding” performance, and they were certainly proved right. From the moment he stepped into the goal, he seemed to grow in size, and no one was left in any doubt who was in charge!
Ben Grant, an under 10’s MKDons player, was the only one to put a goal past Daniel, and the Cowshed were treated to a jubilant celebration from young Ben, who comes from a talented footballing family with his Grandad having played for Northampton Town.
Also giving it their best shot on the night were Harvey Levy, Lily Bill and Courtney Davey-Ward, all three put in a great performance, and did themselves proud.
Daniel and Harvey are both with Central Milton Keynes Football Club. CMKFC are regularly seen at MKDons matches, and they brought a party of 33 to the NHS on Wednesday to watch the match from the family section. There is a link to CMKFC on our useful links section, and more information on them can be found there.
Lily and Courtney are with the City Colts under 10’s girls team, and both showed us why there should be much more attention given to the girls clubs in
Milton Keynes. MKDSA will be seeking to remedy this with more articles on the MKDons Centre of Excellence for girls, and also local girl’s community football. We will be chatting with Lily and Courtney before the Arsenal vs Charlton Ladies Match, look out for this on the website shortly.
Junior Dons webpage is being revamped, and will then have more pictures of Wednesday night’s action. Junior Dons will be able to read a full report with action pictures in the MKDSA newsletter, which will be posted out FREE to members in early August.

Lily and Courtney |

Most Loyal Fan? |

One of our supporters with Danny and Pete |
Its 24 Hours after the Dons did us Proud (and hopefully we did them with our Support!)
and I am still Delighted by the win and the way the lads have performed not only on the
day but also since Danny Wilson took over. Amazing yesterday with everyone giving
everyone else Hugs and sloppy grins on faces - like I said, it felt like 'Winning the Cup' and Christmas Day all rolled in to one!!
I reckon with the team we have got and Danny on board there is no reason next season that we shouldn't be looking at aiming for the Play Off's and Def No more relegation battles!
Well Done you Mighty Dons!
Congratulations to everyone at the Club, it is an achievement to stay up.
I work in the centre of Milton Keynes with a number of Luton Town supporters, so you can imagine what its been like 'you'll be playing at Barnet next season' and 'you are definitely going down' I can't wait for Monday morning.
Good luck to Northampton in their play offs - what a local derby that could make next season.
What can I say, there were fantastic! Lets hope next season will be the
Highs winning and safety, shaking Chorleys hand while ITV were interviewing him
Lows - the streaker, surely we have some babes in MK ?
Well its great we turned it all around when Danny came in, now we need to make sure we carry on building and not get complacent just because we managed to stay up.
I think against Tranmere we saw our team on its last legs... they had worked so hard since Danny came in and I think that second goal was the last punch we had!
I'm starting to get withdrawl symptoms already. What a day and I shall remember those emotional scenes at the end of the match for a very long time.
Roll on 2005/6
As a Dons season ticket holder and one of the few who went to Selhurst Park in thhat strange first season at MK, last night was a fantastic experience.
As a dedicated 'Liverpool Red' I thought it unlikely that I would ever feel really emotional about the Dons but all that has changed. I felt proud of the lads, Pete and obviously Danny. Thanks for what you have brought to MK. The end of the match was mad and well done to the club for judging the situation well and not getting too upset about the pitch invasion! It was good natured and I think the players enjoyed the attention. Well done and see you all next year!

It was good to be at
Peterborough at the last game and see the guys put in a performance that gives a great chance of survival. Why oh why has Danny not played Rizzo and Smith for weeks only he knows and maybe he is part of the conspiracy that keeps us playing against 12 men in every game, I mean what was Izales yellow card for on Saturday?
Now we are going for the jugular we are playing like a team possest and we have more than one option in attack which was evident against Bristol City which if it weren’t for the best goal keeping performance since Sunderland won the FA cup final we would have been nicely clear of Oldham.
I only hope we win and stay up this weekend and that we don’t rue the draw we played for against Oldham. I remember being shouted at by fans because I was unhappy at this lack of foresight from Danny and the boys, as I have seen so many teams regret not killing teams off when they had the chance and we certainly had a chance against Oldham.
But this is my biggest gripe MR Winkleman thinks we aren’t staying up and has said so to his staff and that makes me laugh that this bloke who has no idea of football says this as I hope he chokes on his prawn sandwich this weekend cause if we stay up the rest of the fans will get to know what is already known by those who have an idea about football that this guy is only in it for the money that he will make at his development, and if we do stay up he will do his best to make sure we go down again the following year with another year of no investment into the team or only investing in it at the last moment so it look like he’s a nice guy.
He reminds me of a simpler looking Mr. Howard I really hope I am wrong but I look forward to seeing what they do next year as who wants to play in a stadium of 30000 with only 2000 people there.
I hope this Saturday all Wimbledon and MK Dons fans can enjoy the best day and evening we have had in a long time and that the other results go our way as it would be nice not to be blamed for Wrexham going own if we can overtake the other two.
Oh and it would be good if the journos stopped stealing all our comments for their papers come on Mr Scriven and Alan (I don’t like swearing because I have journalistic integrity) cant you guys have an original thought? lol
Come on you Dons

I'm happy with the white kit however i think the away kit been red is
slightly odd. I would prefer the away kit to be black and the 3rd kit
been red. As for the old colours don't even think about it! This club is
trying to move forward and I'm a new fan of the club, from living in
Milton Keynes all my life. Going back to the old colours would be a
major step back for the club and the new fans. Also the colour of the
old kit was awful I'm surprised its been considered. I know there are a
few old wimbledon fans still supporting the club but clinging onto the
past will not move the club forward.
Thank You

Could you please post an article about the MK Dons Supporters Vs Peterborough United Supporters as we would like to get as much interest as possible to support us on the day either on the pitch or off it? Basically Peterborough Supporters have challenged us to a friendly match before the game.
It will be played on the day of the Peterborough match probably at about 12 to 12:30. I will be obtaining the exact place of the match soon and will notify you when I do. We do need more players. It will be a 6 a side match.
Please note that this is a private match organised by individuals and not as such an official MKDSA event.

I thought it was nice to see on Saturday (3/4/05) our boys switch the ball from wing to wing and crossing it into the middle for our very tall Mr Platt to do some damage what was a shame was this didnt actually happen till about 10 mins to go.
I have been lucky enough to see us play a lot of decent football this season even under good old stuart we played good stuff but lately and I know the result is the most important thing but it would be nice to watch a bit of footy please Mr Wilson play Smith and Rizzo and sort out the fight that Rizzo and Lewington obviously are having as I have never seen a guy not used as much since I was at school and we had a one legged player.
Also its good to hear and see Chorley back with his own brand of enthusiasm I dont think they will be writing about his language in the local press. Since he has been at centre back he has looked like he could fulfil the potential he had at Arsenal long may he get better and finally I hope all those people who do not understand football please leave Izale alone. He is a hard working young guy who knows where the goal is and if the officials werent so rubbish he would have had a few more by now. Saturday was the second game in the last two months where he had scored and was disalowed for offside I rememeber the blinder he scored at Walsall that was not given also.
But at least the slump is at an end and we god willing can look forward to being in the 1st division (hehe) for another season. What would be nice would be to see some proper spending on players for the new season and for us all to see this imaginary three year contract that Danny is supposed to have signed. I know Mr Winkleman is seen as a Saint by many but its interesting to see that the only real building works that is going on is for IKEA and ASDA at the mo it will be no good to any of the fans if we contunue to not invest in our team and go upwards now the slump is at an end.
The Hockey Stadium is so quite sometimes I smile at what it will be like when we move to Winkie World 4000 fans and 26000 empty seats. I wonder what that will be like lets hope in two years we are playing the likes of Sunderland and West Ham again in the Premiership and if not the Championship should be our lowest aim.
Finally I hear they are getting rid of those awful white shirts for next season, any chance they will play back in blue and have some resemblence to the club that they used to be, I think sometimes in MK we forget that this team already had a fan base and a heart and although we change the name and the badge and made people travel 75 miles to watch their local team i think it would be nice to have some link with the old Wimbledon, I think this would win a few credits back for the directors who at the moment dont seem to know a thing about football.

notice your message board only has positive news on it
I thought this was a fans page where's the realistic stuff like how come west ham get all our good players for nothing and give us someone back for money??
What about the fact we are very light in the playing staff???? It's a bit to much like a Labour/Tory pamphlet dont you think?
If everyone at the ground loved the club so much how comes we hear so many groans.


To the MK Dons
May I share my views and thoughts to everybody involved with such a
wonderful team we have in MK!
As I say the word wonder, I wonder alot and I have done since the team came
down here, the love and like will stay with me though the highs and
lows.Though MK has had a hard start in almost every sport: Ice hockey- Mk
lighting, backetball - Lions and renamed f1 team Redbull. So lets look at it
this way "MK DONS can only follow their lead".
I look forward to seeing the team in the Premiership in less than 5 years
I will alway be supporting you
Andrew Kirtland

Was just sitting here thinking what have i done to my father in law, not
only is he a Die hard QPR supporter and my son is a die hard Arsenal
Supporter, over the last 6 months they have turned Mkdons Mad.
Not only do they travel but they havent missed a home game or reserve game yet.
What have i done to them i ask myself ;)
im also a born and bread Arsenal supporter from north london but this whole Mkdons thing has taken me by suprise, i here darren saying to steve onthursday nights show we are a very tight family club and steves reply hit the nail on the head.
I can also see that this club will never fade because so many local people
in the community involved will never let that happen, so much support for
this local club which is becoming our own Dream Team.
everyone is trying to do there own little bit to lift the status of this
club while others are trying to knock us, well keep on knocking i say and
let us have the last laugh when today we are finaly getting it right on and
off the field.
Come on you dons.
Brentford here we come!!!

The Great Escape! I think we can pull off one of the greatest escapes in football history. Everyone in the football leauge has an opinion on us, FRANCISE! PLASTIC! But one thing they can't say is we don't love our team. Since Danny came to the team, I've seen a TEAM! They defend as a unit, they attack as a unit, and when they do this they are devistating. Clive Platt, What can I say, big strong can win a header and direct at the feet of our forwards. Gary Smith, holds the midfield solid, always working, one touch, fast precise passing. I could go on all year, but thankfuly i will not. Wade Small (only in name) what a striker, fast skillful, one to watch for the future (hopefuly at the dons). Not forgetting the other eight essential players in this great team. Being a loal supporter I can tell the whole team we are behind you 100%! We will keep singing, and you will keep winning, and together we will show the foootball league we are for real!
Good luck boy's, from Mikee

Just thought i drop this site a line on some issues i have found over the
course of this season.
Mr Smart- should be dropped full stop and never to return to the first team,
till he learns to fight and run.
90% of he's passing is dangerous, never seems botherd and doesnt have the
izzy got booed on tuesday agaist blackpool when he got taken off, that was
so disrespectfull for a player who has done more on the field than mr smart
will ever do.
i think the supporters seem to forget that we have a small squad which in a
dog fight at the bottom, top players who become ill still have to play.
Another thing that bothers me is the growth of the club, is the academy
gonna close, if so whats the future of the club?
does mr wilson aggree with closing the academy down in june which the
reports state.
Just so many worrying signs around the club can only relate to the players
in the first team because of all the negativety thats flying around.

AS a new person to the area I am glad to see that the local club is doing its best to integrate with the city of MK. I have seen a couple of games plus going to attend more and hope that the new manager helps the club to achieve greater success.

This is just a note to say I totally agrre with the appotiment of Wilson. I think Gilligan did a good job,but our only wins were not against world class teams. I believe Wilson is a great motivater and hopefully he can repeat for us what he did at Bristol and Barnsley. Also ifeel our best players this season have been McLeod and Small. When Smith gets back into his full stride he will be great, Rizzo looks superb and Steve Plamer is doing well at the back.
Come on u dons

I was delighted to hear that Danny Wilson had beenappointed, was a great buzz and im sure lots of other dons fans felt the same, Iagree with MK Don Kenobi Herve is actually starting to adapt, and even AlanSmart battled away and had a good game, these guys are more than capable ofkeeping us up if they get the right motivation. I also sit in the south standand feel that there isn’t enough support, we nearly lost yesterday and itwould make a hell of a difference if we were a lot noisier and helped the team towin, aren’t we meant to be player number 12? We are just as much toblame as the team then, come on we need lots more support Come on U Dons

I have to say I was buzzing on the way to the ground last night upon hearing the news of Danny Wilson being appointed. A top choice by the Dons. He has a proven record of managing at this level and im sure with a little £ he can sort us out and push for staying up. Good Luck Danny.
On another note, I was at the game last night and wanted to add to the praise for Laurent Herve. Last night he was quality against the posh, no disrespect to Gareth Edds, but Herve deserved motm. I have been saying all along Herve is a good player who needed time to settle, granted it has taken him longer than we would have liked but I like his style.
To all members of the South Stand, when the cow shed chant stand up if you love the dons, please join me as i do every time and there seems to be few else. I can only love them so much u know.
Come on you Dons!!!!
See you all at Wrexham

What a great decision by Mr Winkleman to give Danny Wilson the job. Best man for it. Well dons all! I cannot wait to see how the team will perform under his management now. Long Live the DONS!

Hi fellow Dons!
I am having to write this e-mail about Lauren Herve. I think many fans very under rate him. They guy works extra hard every time he plays. I will admit that his distribution of the ball is not great, but he makes up for that in other areas. Some of the tackles he put in again Posh were fantastic, the other team always find it hard to play in their midfield when he is about. He breaks up play and gets some important tackles. The more games he plays the better he gets. In my expert opinion, he deserves the player of the month for November, so far!
Herve fan club

I would like to start by saying well done to the team and the REAL DONS FANS!!! All the other people in the east&south stand who should not have been there, they know who they were. They managed not only to get tickets for the home stands, but managed to destroy the atmosphere in the ground. Why and how did so many Luton fans end up in the wrong stands! I would hate to think it was a greed issue! There were people coming to watch the Dons for the first time, bringing children, I would think a lot of them will not return. This ticket allocation must be addressed if more local derbys are to be played.
On a happier note I'm really looking forward to travailing to Cambridge on Friday. I really believe if we can have a good cup run it will show in the league. CUM ON U DONS!!!!!!!!

We need a manager and fast! Jimmy seems to be good enough but are there better options? We'll just have to see what happens but sooner rather than later!! We won't go down this season - we'll finish around mid-table. We just need to get a win under our belt to get into stride. Desperately unlucky against Luton!! If we put away those chances it we would have got points from that game. Tranmere was just unfortunate as, again, lack-luster finishing cost us. But these problems will not last. Izzy will get back onto the scoresheet soon enough!
cheers, A.J

Just want to say dons rule ben harding, julien hornuss and serge makofo are wicked. Serge is definitely one for the future. He is a class young player.His goal vs
Bristol was just absolute class.
Come on you dons.


A message from one of our QPR friends!
He only joined us towards tail end of last season and played a handful of games during promotion push. He wasn't a first team regular. Joined us because his first team opportunities at Stoke were limited. This season, he has hardly figured and not in a winning team. Kevin Gallen was moved back into midfield as we lacked creativity on the ball and this coincided with winning run (master tactician Holloway). Johnson hasn't had a look in and with Marcus Bean coming back from injury and the signings of Serge Branco & Lee Cook. Johnson is not realistically a starter at QPR.
In my opinion, Johnson is not as good as Gary Smith. Since it's only a loan deal and he may come back, please do not drag him down to your level of play.

Here is Max from the Ukraine pictured with past Wimbledon star and current Wales international John Hartson flying the flag (scarf) for the MK Dons!

Hi, this picture features on your Junior Dons site and was taken about a year ago with Paul Heald. I thought you should know, that George has now signed for the Dons and is one of the two Goalies that play in the current Under 13's.
Many thanks. Paul Woodham. ( Dad.)

This is Max from the Ukraine. He is pictured with former Wimbledon player Walid Badir showing his support for the MK Dons. Max is a long standing supporter of the Dons and has passionately followed them from afar for many years.


Missed most of first half and all the goals!!! Nearly 2 and a half hours drive due to accidents on M4 and A40, but BRILLIANT performance. We made them look like amateurs, control and passing best Ive seen from the Dons andoozing confidence.
Everyone wanted a goal, and boy did they try, some inspired runs as well. Gary Smith has really settled in well, some good crosses as always. Lewington excellent, all were really. Pacquette played like he has been here forever, what impressed me most was the way they played as a team tonight, none of the friction and misunderstandins we were seeing a few games ago. The only worry is still the defence, because to be honest we have no way of knowing if they have improved because they had nothing to do all night!! Brentford were rubbish, but in fairness were so outplayed they didnt stand a chance.
And the noise of our supporters was the best ever.
What a game!

yes!!! i was waiting for the time to come!! how many is that on the trot? yep 3 wins in 3. Wade, in my opinion has been the highlight and Izzy n Smith also looking particularly great. never a red card for Izzy by the way!! Richard Parquette looking a future Don legend! well i think the whole of mk dons football club and supporters knew it was only a matter of time before we got into our stride. BRING ON LUTON! cheers

Just like to say this web site is really good nice to see that someone is on the ball at updating this site as soon as possible
Well Done

Just like to say this web site is really good nice to see that someone is on the ball at updating this site as soon as possible
Well Done

Julien Hornuss - Number 21 |

Hello Im Lucy , and me and my best mate Laura absolutly love coming to watch the MK dons matches and we Love No 6 Ben Harding and No 21 but we can find any pics of them plzzzz e-mail some pictures and info on them we love them and MK DONS...
~*Love always*~
xXx Lucy xXx

Congratulations to the lads on bringing the first piece of silverware home (yes home) to MILTON KEYNES winning the portimao cup is a great achievement seeing as what the club and manager have gone through, lets hope a lot of bonding and learning has been gained during the close season, i truly believe that we can be a force to be reckoned within the new league, top 3 would be awsome, winning would be a fairytale come true.

This is Scott.....No not the Tall Scott the other bald guy!!
His full name is Scott Peter Mark Smith. Named after Scott Bevan, Peter Winkleman and Mark Williams.
Scott's Dad, Les Smith has been a Dons Fan for over 16 years and thought the naming of his son would be a perfect tribute to his hero's on the field and the man that made it all happen here in Milton Keynes Peter Winkleman.
Baby Scott became a member of the Dons Supporters Club at just one day old. Can any one out there beat that!?
Lets hope that he will follow in his fathers footsteps and become a loyal fan of the Dons, and who knows we could even be watching him on the pitch in a few years time if Les has anything to do with it!
Well done Scotty!

i've got my ticket for the opening game...n to be honest i cannot wait !! if the lads put on the same display as they did against recreativo de huelva, there i is no way we can be beat !! da atmosphere in the east stand especially is going to be electric this satuday...its going to be a match not to miss
cheers, burton

Our children are currently attending a soccer course with the Dons at Woughton. This is organised very well and the children are thoroughly enjoying themselves, but today was far the best day as the squad popped over to say hello, sign autographs and generally spend time with the kids. All the children thought it was their Christmas & Birthday rolled into one. Thanks goes out to all the squad who were really great with the kids. NICE ONE !! Diane.

What a great article 'whos watching the grass grow' is.
Espeically interesting was the part about how the pitch can be adapted depending on your opponents. I thought that could only be done in Cricket!
Keep up the good work.

MK Dons are on fire !! Alan Smart is going to bag so many goals this season and Jamie Mackie will also break his duck. i reckon Mk dons will win the league this season AT LUTON TOWN !! Great display from the lads ... COME ON YOU DONS

Hi Paul,
Can't wait for the first game! Looking forward to all the pre season matches as well. My new season ticket application has been sent.
Roll on the new season!
Come on you MKDons!

Congratulations on the website . I find it the best one, including the official site. Keep up the good work.
All the best
Bob Nutt No 380

Hi Paul,
My sentiments entirely, Although the past will be part of this clubs history we must not dwell on it, I for one am looking forward to the new season with relish, lets hope we can win games and slowly creep back up the ladder. Can you please E-mail me when the season tickets are ready, with how much will be the top price concession ticket for the south stand, yes I am over 65 and a total football nut.
Best regards
Ray [No 82]

Dear Sir,
What a great job your all doing and have done over the past 6 months to secure the future of the MK Dons in MK.
I live in Merton and was of course sorry to see Wimbledon go but I am now exited at the prospect of our club flourishing and challenging for honours in the future.
I went to the NHS twice season and the Stoke FA Cup game summed i all up for me. The real magic of the FA Cup really showed mw that Wimbledon was really at home in Milton Keynes. I still will continue to support the club and I will try and get up to the NHS in the future.
Just also to say what a great website - Its always updated before the official one and I look everyday.
Please note my comments and I hope that we all can spur the boys on the League 1 Championship in 2004/2005.
Yours Sincerely,
Graham Rodber

YES!!! WE ARE OUT OF ADMINISTRATION!!!! well lets face the facts we all knew we were coming out. With this i believe we are going to win the league also with new players coming in its going to be a great season. i think jamie mackie will do well this season, including harry, willo and malvin who is my favourite player.

Hoorah !!!! We have finally come out of admin. My wife, Daughter and I popped down to Woughton today to see the MK Dons train. Unfortunately we weren't there earlier enough, but the lads did looked in good spirits and things are definitely looking up for the new season ahead. Is it true that the first game in the MK Dons history will be against Newport Pagnell on the 10th of July?
What about a family day for the kids to meet the players and perhaps take advantage of this to fund raise for the club ?? This could be held at the Hockey Stadium and would be good PR & for ticket sales!!! Maybe raffles and a stand to promote the MK Dons fan club. Just an idea...What do the rest of you think ?

It has been a very long haul but, as one of the three people who first started the Wimbledon FC Supporters Club in Milton Keynes, it is a very special day to see the club out of administration.
At last the club does have a real identity in the area in which it is now based. We may have had our differences and no doubt some things will never change, but without the incredible efforts of Pete Winkelman the football club would have died many months ago.
Now it can make a fresh start and with a new stadium to look forward to, manager Stuart Murdock can do the job he has been given to do without the shackles that have frustrated him in the past.
The future can only be bright for the club and now everyone connected with both the club and the supporters club should spend all their time and effort in selling the club to the growing population of our young city.
It is only with a growing supporter base that the club`s future can be assured and I, for one, hope that PW remembers that
Gordon Rockett
Founder Member

I must say I’m simply shocked by the reaction that this name change seems to
be generating. Let me start by stating that I am indeed a loyal Wimbledon
supporter, and as such, I naturally support the only club in the country
with “Wimbledon” in its name. Yes, I support the “pub team”, I am what you
people have graciously called a “deserter” (although, the fact that we
stayed exactly where we were, whereas you moved over 70 miles, must make you
think, did we desert the club…? It would certainly seem as though the club
deserted us).
I personally always felt sympathy for those fans who had followed Koppel and
Winkleman to MK (although many dons fans had rather different feelings
towards them…) Being taken in by their revolting spin, clinging to the hope
that the club would indeed flourish once again, and somehow everything would
be alright. However, surely you must have realised that this was not the
same club that you watched in London!? How could it be, having moved 70
miles north, with the vast majority of its fans not moving with it? I have
read some simply astonishing remarks on here and other boards, along the
lines of “how dare PW change the name from Wimbledon FC”. I’m sorry (believe
me) but this club has not been Wimbledon FC since the 28th of May 2002. The
club died that day, and what continued to masquerade as football team was a
shadow of what we loved, nothing more than the empty shell of our once-great
club, raped and left to die by millionaire business men and a soulless pop
music module.
For those of you who started supporting the Franchise after it moved, this
name change must be a welcome relief. The general feeling I am getting is
that you will all continue to support Winkleman’s corporate machine, which
is your free choice. However, I would warn you, if that man was prepared
uproot a club against the backlash of the entire footballing community, with
no concern for its existing fans, do you think he has any loyalty to you? I
have no feelings for Franchise, and I will admit to having an element of
schadenfreude; I would be pleased to see the Franchise go out of business.
But if you have truly grown to love this new club, you must fight
against people like Winkleman, and take control of your own destiny.
I would like to end by adding, for any fans living in south London who don’t
want to watch Milton Keynes FC, AFC Wimbledon is always open to new
supporters. Just give it a go, you might be surprised to remember how much
you can enjoy football.
I seriously doubt this letter will be printed, but just in case it is, and
there are any fans who would like to discuss any points with me, email me
at: [email protected] (obviously not my usual address, as I don’t
particularly want to get hideously spammed on my business or personal
accounts. I set this one up for occasions such as this.)

I am not yet a member of the Supporters' Club, but I too should like to express my disappointment at the name change of the club.
I was a Dons season ticket holder when I lived in London and, since the club moved to MK last season, it has been fantastic to be able to watch the lads regularly again (I myself moved to the area 2 years ago). I have to say that, as an 'old' WFC supporter, I feel quite strongly that 'Wimbledon' should have featured in any new name that is adopted - 'Dons' is not enough - and I think that many of the old supporters who stuck by the club will feel hurt by its exclusion. Of course, I understand that there should be some identification with the new home city, but wouldn't something like MK Wimbledon have been acceptable?
I am also concerned about the lack of consultation with the fans on such a fundamental issue - the Supporters' Club managed to get their act together to have a phone vote, so why couldn't the club? - and now I wonder if this is a sign of things to come? I have to be honest and say that I feel very let down and am seriously considering whether I want to buy a season ticket for a club that disregards its fans in such a way. I still completely support the players and the manager, but feel like the stuffing's been knocked out of me by this.
However, putting all that to one side, congrats on the website - it's brilliant - and thank you for all you're doing for WIMBLEDON FC.
Desperate Don. |

fantastic article.
I guess this just about sums up how most of us are feeling right now. As you mentioned in the article, and in a previous forum post, the club is all about the future. When I told my kids that they could no longer cheer 'Wimbledon', but that the team was now Milton Keynes Dons, were they despondent? No - they thought it was 'brill!'. Maybe this is the best move for the future, but to a lot of us, the way it has been achieved is the sickening thing.
Keep up the great work.

Hello mate, Whatever the name it's still our very own football team in MK and it's great to have the oppuortunity to support OUR team, along with my wife and children in such a great family atmosphere. Many thanks to Pete and the gang for bringing football home to MK !!

Hi Paul
Do you really speak for the majority of people in MK? I have lived in Milton Keynes since 1990. I changed from supporting Oxford United to Wimbledon when Wimbledon FC moved here. Unlike you, I have never been happy with the name 'Wimbledon' and have always felt that it is silly, living in Milton Keynes to support a team from London.
On the East stand, I have always welcomed chants for Milton Keynes and disliked the chants for 'Wimbledon' as it has no relation to our local community.
Many of my friends and family from and outside Milton keynes feel the same way.
I do not think we are the minority. It is just that our voice has never been listend to, instead it has just been scorned at by those of you who claim to be in the majority from the other camp. It would be madness to carry on with the name 'Wimbledon'. Milton Keynes people want a Milton Keynes professional football club with a Milton Keynes name. It is daft to think any other way.
I am just very pleased that our new owner feels the same way and has the courage to change the name to MKDONS despite the redicule from yourself and others.
We live in a free country, I am entitled to my opinion, just as much as you are to yours. It is just that the other side of the argument never gets heard.
Whatever, we all now need to accept what has happened and get behind our great new team, club and owner. I am fed up with all the arguing and negativity.
See you at the game tomorrow.
Glen Matthews

Can i just say what a good web site you have here, yeah i am just as cheesed off as many by the name change, MKWIMBLEDON FC would have been better but at least "DONS" has been incorperated, i cant believe PW can be that selfish as he has been working tirelessly to get wimbledon here, and be honest here without the move WIMBLEDON would have been the first club to be banished to the depths of history and would then cease to exist, now that would have been criminal.
What the people of london fail to realise is that all their anger should be made known to the likes of merton council, safeways, owners of plough lane (visited that hole many times) and even Hamman who squandered most of the wombles funds during his time, Wimbledon could not have survived ground sharing at selhurst park as they were charging extortionate amounts of funds for the privilage, true Wimbledon fans were as much to blame by boycotting games.
Could they see a way for wimbledon fc to survive? NO so what do they do? send wimbledons funds into dis-array by boycotting games, getting seats of 300 per game, true true fans stick with what is in there blood come hell or high water.
There was not this much fuss when it looked like Wimbledon were going to ireland, whats better a trip up the M1 or a boat trip from holyhead, yeah i was p***** off to when they moved but they have survived, they are still here, 70 miles away but still here, i bet a life long gooner or yido would follow there teams to where ever they would have relocated if need be. As i said it is what is in your blood then go get it.where ever they may go, If afc ever fall into financial ruin of flop at the tables where will the loyal fans go next? chelsea? palace? they are not in your blood, WIMBLEDON IS. ( MKDONS FC, FRANCHISE FC, WOMBLES FC, DONS FC, WIMBLEDON FC, DONT LET HISTORY DIE FC) WHAT EVER THE NAME WIMBLEDON HAS BEEN SAVED FOR THE GOOD OF FOOTBALL, bring on coca-cola league division one 04/05

Dear Paul,
In order to try and secure the FINANCIAL future of the club and attract local companies into our partnership of sponsorship I think that the words MILTON KEYNES had to appear in our title.
If you were the owner of a successful local company and were looking for a team to sponsor, wouldn't you feel more likely to sponsor a team that said MILTON KEYNES rather than Wimbledon ?

The last few days have been dark days for Wimbledon FC
and Milton Keynes. What PW has done is disgusting and
the sunsequent reasoning for his actions makes me feel
sick with rage.
I have followed the club since its move to MK and like
many others, they have taken over from the other clubs
I've supported since childhood. My son knows all the
players and wears his Wimbledon top with pride, more
so that his England top.
I, along with the majority of supporters, had expected
a name change only to happen once all stakeholders in
the club had been involved. This what PW had
This all changed on Monday.
PW's subsequent actions confirm what a lot of AFC
supporters have said that he cannot be trusted. His
explanations that there was no time due to all the
problems with Admin, CVA & IT is crap (sorry). The
decision to change the name was not made on Monday, it
was made months ago (Neutral Fan on ASKMK predicted
this months ago) and therefore there has been loads of
time to discuss.
PW comment that a name change is necessary for the
survival of the club has not been backed up with any
I'm sure these are all points that committe members of
the are aware of and have put to PW. However, my main
point is the response of the supporters club.
Yes, you are in a difficult position with little
influence at the moment but the official response to
the name change is just too polite. You've accepted
this without a fight with the main reason that you
want to support the manager and players. Is the
assumption that all the players want to play for MK
Dons (hee hee hee - what a silly name) and so will be
there at the start of the season to be supported. I
believe many of our favourites will be leaving and
those that stay due to contractual reason will not be
as committed as before (why should they?).
I just wish the SC official statement could have been
stronger in it condemnation of PW's actions. It seems
he has got away with a small slack on his backside
when he really needed a rocket right up his a***.
We now await the new kit (all white I hear) where yet
again PW will have unilaterally decided this and must
have been planned months ago to get it designed and
manufactured in time for the new season.
That's it. I've had enough for today.

I live in london.
I played for wimbledon fc academy for 8 years. i supported them all that time, i went to the games when there was no one there, the high premiership days, when they went down and people left, i went to the games in the year of 2002/2003, when there were crowds of 600. i travel to Milton Keynes. To watch WIMBLEDON FC. I love wimbledon fc. I just dont see how he can change the name of the club against the wish of the supporters. he said he consulted them what an absoloute joke. When i was told i thought, is it just going to end here, no more wimbledon fc, because, officially, there is no wimbledon fc. Milton keynes dons fc is not wimbledon fc. there may be the same players, the same staff, but it isnt wimbledon fc. they change the shirt. the shirt wont have the wimbledon badge on it. it will have the milton keynes dons badge on it. i want to say i support wimbledon fc, the team who used to play in south london. i dont want to tell people i support milton keynes dons fc, i am a south londoner. i have stuck by the club, when all those other fans left to support the pub team, so WHY CANT THE CLUB STICK BY US NOW.
WINKLEMAN IS A SELFISH, MANIPULATIVE ******. I will still travel to milton keynes. I will wear my wimbledon shirt, and i will bring my wimbledon flag. I will chant wimbledon songs. I will not wear a milton keynes dons shirt, i will not chant milton keynes dons songs. I URGE YOU ALL TO DO THE SAME. DONT BUY THE SHIRTS. DONT SING THE SONGS. WE ARE WIMBLEDON FC. NOT MILTON KEYNES DONS FC.
Robin Shroot, sw18, wandsworth, 5 mins from plough lane, london

Dear Sirs,
I read with interest the comments reagrding the name change especially as your web site address is MK Dons Club.
The recent web vote you held was 55% to 45%, do we know the exact number of those who bothered to vote in this?
Yes it is disappointing that a vote wasn't held but the new name reflects the need to include Milton Keynes and Wimbledon together which I feel it does.
And after all the available scarfs have said 'MK Dons' for a while and Aberdeen is a long way off.
Christine Greenwood

I agree with most of the points in your statement regarding the name change. To say that there was no time to consult fans (despite promising to do so) is utter rubbish. This was publicly raised by Pete Winkleman at a supporters club social evening in April. This means that there were at least six weeks to organise a ballot which as you yourselves have evidenced, could have been done and at little cost. Frankly, this lack of respect for the views of the fans who supported the club during such an awful season last year is exactly the sort of thing that used to happen under the Sam Hamman and Charles Koppel regimes.
I'm also amazed that 99 years of history can have been disregarded with so little analysis of it's consequences. Exactly what evidence do Inter MK have that a name change to MK Dons is the answer to the problem of building support for the club? What market research was done on this?
This name change issue poses a dilemma for the supporters club. A name change for the supporters club is a change to the constitution which would require an EGM.
I am a Milton Keynes resident and season ticket holder. Unlike some people, I have never tried to claim any historic love of Wimbledon FC. I only watched them because they were in Milton Keynes. Had the name change been the result of a ballot, then I could have rationalised it as being what the fans wanted and accepted it. The fact that all the evidence available suggests that the fans didn't support this name change, means that I can't. As a result, for me, this truly is the birth of Franchise FC. All the valid arguments we've made about moving the club in order to save it are now, at a stroke, completely redundant. Wimbledon FC is now dead and what we have in it's place is an artificial club with a different name, different badge and even different colours. Nothing remains of Wimbledon FC but a few players, and let's face it, players are transient anyway. I always believed the move to Milton Keynes could be justified on the basis of saving a club. If Wimbledon FC can't survive as Wimbledon FC and the people of Milton Keynes can't be bothered to get behind it, then the only arguments for supporting this new club are selfish ones (they're on my doorstep).
Where I guess I differ from the views in your statement are that I no longer intend renewing my season ticket. Yes I will attend some matches, but all Inter MKs actions have shown is that this club is purely a business and see me, not as a supporter but as a consumer. In this context, I struggle to feel any more loyalty to it than I would any other brand!

Thats it for me! no longer a wimbledon fan as they no longer exist! pete winkelman is obviously a man with an agenda of his own and no regard for what the paying public want! good luck to all of you who stay loyal to the club, fair play to you, but i feel that i'm not alone in saying that i wil certainly not be lining his pockets further with my hard earned cash. there was no need to 'rush the name change through' as it was made clear it could be done mid season and as has been well documented on this site the name 'wimbledon' was preferential to be included in any name change by the majority of the fans. these same fans have now been disregarded and insulted by mr winkelmans actions and 'dons' doesnt even begin to cover the history of wimbledon fc. with the now alienated support the club clearly does not have the bright future it appeared to have as wimbledon in milton keynes and clearly mr winkelman knows little about football, its loyalty, history and pride within a club and it's name.
a very saddened ex wimbledon fan, merton born and bred.
Scott Tait

When our team comes out of administration and is back playing football in its own right and when we are playing football in the new stadium everything will be fine EXCEPT if we are to survive we will need to be financially secure and this will mean filling our new stadium with supporters.
Our supporters, in the main, will have to come from Milton Keynes and its surrounding area and not, as some of us old Wimbledon fans seem to think from our ranks. How long has it been since we the old supporters have been able to rustle up 12,000 supporters for a match?
May I respectfully point out that when, as will happen, our club is successful and viable again we MUST recognise that, sad as it is for us Plough Lane Veterans, it will be a MILTON KEYNES team and this must be recognised in its title. Please bear in mind the vast majority of its support will have to come Fromm fans who have no particular interest in Wimbledon.

Hi Paul,
I moved to MK in 1980, and have seen the place grow from 47000 to the current 250000 with another 100000 coming in daily to work in MK.
MK now covers 34 square miles, with yes 951 roundabouts, and Mr 2 Jags Prescott wants to expand MK by a further 90000 houses by 2025 this will double its present size.
I have longed for the day to see Pro Football in MK, I and many others have waited a long time for this.
I believe the football and supporters clubs are in on the ground floor and their future is bright indeed. We will eventually I am sure see the club back in the Premiership where it rightly belongs. I am sure the fans are out there they just need some encouragement to change their allegance from other nearby clubs and encourage the locals.
Best Regards
Ray Knibbs

As a long time Wimbledon supporter who has lived in MK (and is equally as
proud of MK) for most of my life .....I'd like to pass on my appreciation of
the efforts which you are making to preserve both the name and the history
of our famous club.
Keep it going......and prevent PW from making what will no doubt be a huge
Mr B. Dupe

Thumbs up for the work done in revamping this site.
It’s great to log on every day and get the up to the minute news on the MKDons – even before it’s picked up by the official site and the other spin off web sites
More of the same please – come on you Dons!!

Firstly I think you have done a grand job with the web site and look forward to the updates as and when they occur.
I see the topic of the name change continues and I have been asked to give my views on many occasions, that whilst Chairman, I declined as I wished to be non bias.
I believe that some comments are necessary on the matter as a life long supporter of the Dons. It is my view that the very name of Wimbledon FC serves as a beacon to every football club in the country and gives hope to those little clubs that aspire to gain league status and compete with Premiership Clubs. Take Wigan Athletic, Rushden & Diamonds, Boston United and Cheltenham Town who have all done a "Wimbledon". We see good old Aldershot making a comeback in the Conference as well as Accrington Stanley, both looking to re-gain the league place they lost some years ago.
More recent we have had "little Wimbledon" take on the establishment and win yet again. The name again continues to write football history which is why the name must live on and continue to represent hope to al clubs - that is something that can be Fans can relate to..
I Therefore would not vote to see the name of Wimbledon dropped from the title

Danon et al,
Great job at the FSF, about time. The intimidation around the grounds for those first games were shameful. As you say anyone has the right to support who they want.

hi. just wanted to write and say that the website is looking really good now and is more resourceful for news than the official site! just one small query you may be able to help me with, how true are the 'mk dons' name change rumours? i am a life long wimbledon fan of 22 years now, in exile(in shrewsbury!!) and think the move to milton keynes is great, on a personal level and as a basis for the club to survive, but feel that a name change would be a grave mistake for all parties. any rumours or news?!?!?
Many thanks and keep up the good work scott tait

Dons supporters at the Victoria Inn, Bradwell Village in Milton Keynes now support the team at both home and away games and have talked landlady Lisa Davies into driving the minibus for them. This group of ardent supporters - pictured above - include Den North, Dave Hughes, Shane Griffin, Val Smith, George Poulton, Craig Pulton, Calvin Jones, Gavin Coley, Ian Cooper and Glen Cobley. They were pictured on Saturday before the home game with Gillingham.
The group plan to enjoy a full season next year supporting the Dons in Division Two.