Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association - Constitution
Document History –
Draft Version 1 - 15 November 2003
Draft Version 2 Updated to reflect feedback from Committee members
Draft Version 3 Updated to reflect changes discussed at Management Committee on 5 January 2004
Draft Version 4 Updated to reflect changes discussed at Management Committee on 5 April 2004
Adopted Constitution Version 5 - May 2004
Amended Version 6 adopted at EGM – 26 July 2004
1: Name
1.1: The name of the organisation shall be the Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association, referred to in the remainder of this document as MKDSA.
2: Purpose
The purpose of MKDSA is to provide an organised and family oriented supporters club for Milton Keynes Dons FC following their move to Milton Keynes.
3: Aims
The aims of MKDSA are to:
- Provide practical assistance to Milton Keynes Dons FC as an official link to their supporters.
- Act as an official voice for Milton Keynes Dons FC supporters, ensuring that notice is taken of the fans views by Milton Keynes Dons FC, Inter MK, Thames Valley Police etc.
- Promote Milton Keynes Dons FC within the Milton Keynes area community, to increase attendance.
- Promote Milton Keynes Dons FC to the players/Manager to try to stop the loss of talented individuals who are the future of the club
- Assist Milton Keynes Dons FC to find a permanent home in Milton Keynes and support Inter MK with this aim.
- Grow the membership of MKDSA so that our voice is taken seriously.
- Encourage support for Milton Keynes Dons FC at away matches by organising official travel.
- To provide a family orientated supporters club to grow support of Milton Keynes Dons FC among the young people of Milton Keynes, who ultimately represent the club’s future.
4: Membership
4.1: Full Members shall be those people over the age of 16 years who have paid the appropriate annual membership fee.
4.2: Membership is open to anyone regardless of gender, creed or colour.
4.3: Members under 16 at the end of the current season shall pay a discounted membership fee and be enrolled as members of the club’s junior section, known as MK Young Dons
4.4: The size of the membership fee shall be decided annually by the Management Committee and communicated by renewal notice, in public areas of the team stadium and on the Supporters Club official website no less than 30 days prior to the renewal being due.
4.5: Members (either full or MK Young Dons) who join during the first season (until 31st May of 2003/04) will be “Founder Members” and will remain so for as long as they remain members.
4.6: Any member may resign their membership at any time up to one month before the renewal date by writing to the Membership Secretary. No part of the membership fee shall be deemed refundable.
4.7: MKDSA shall from time to time agree to grant honorary memberships to individuals and/or affiliate status to Organisations. Such proposals shall be passed in the form of a vote at either a Committee Meeting or AGM where a simple majority shall be required. The membership secretary of MKDSA shall keep an updated list. All honorary memberships shall be free of charge and shall not confer the right to propose motions or to vote on policy-making decisions. However
they shall be entitled to all other club benefits and attend AGM’s in an observer category.
5: General Meetings
5.1: There shall be an Annual General Meeting (AGM), held within 30 days of the regular football season ending.
5.2: Any Full Member may call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), by the submission of a notice in writing to the Secretary or to the Chairperson. The signatures of at least 20 (twenty) Full Members, as well as the Proposer must support this notice.
5.3: An EGM may only discuss the motion put by the Proposer of the EGM.
5.4: An EGM must be held within one calendar month of the receipt of a valid request. Notice must be posted within one full week.
5.5: Notice for the AGM shall be at least 1 (one) full month. Members shall be notified in writing/by telephone/by email/by SMS or, as the Management Committee shall reasonably deem appropriate.
5.6: The Quorum for the AGM shall be 21 (twenty-one) full members.
5.7: All Full Members shall have the right to vote at EGM/AGM.
5.8: Non-members or guests at an AGM/EGM may have the right to speak, at the discretion of the Chairperson, but not to vote.
5.9: Voting shall be by show of hands and decided by a simple majority of those voting. However at an EGM, for any motion to succeed at least two-thirds of those present and eligible to vote must vote in favour. In the event of a tied vote, votes shall be recast. In the event of a second tied vote, the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
5.10: A postal vote in writing & signed by the member may be submitted to the Chairperson, to be received 7 (seven) days prior to the AGM, but not for an EGM where a member must be present to vote.
5.11: Any Full Member may submit resolutions, with at least 1 (one) second. The Proposer may withdraw the motion at any time until the Chairperson has called for a vote, at which time the vote will proceed and the motion may not be withdrawn.
5.12: Resolutions shall be submitted to the Secretary no less than 14 (fourteen) days before the AGM. Where resolutions are received late no postal votes will be counted.
5.13: Resolutions submitted late shall be brought under Any Other Business at the AGM and may be discussed if there are no objections. If any objection is voiced, a show of hands will decide whether to proceed with discussion or delay the motion. If the motion is delayed, it shall be added as an agenda item for the next meeting Management Committee meeting.
6: The Management Committee
6.1: There shall be an elected Management Committee, of no more than 21 (twenty-one) members. Of which no fewer than 6 (six) (see 6.9) and up to 11 (eleven) will serve as officers, in the roles listed below:
6.1.1: Chairperson
The Chairperson shall Chair meetings, act as the principal spokesman for MKDSA and interface with Milton Keynes Dons FC. The Chairperson shall also act as returning officer during votes.
6.1.2: Vice-Chairperson
The Vice-Chairperson shall deputise for the Chairperson as necessary.
6.1.3: Secretary
The Secretary shall organise meetings, book venues, publish agendas and shall keep and report minutes.
6.1.4: Treasurer
The Treasurer shall maintain, in full detail, MKDSA's financial records. The Treasurer shall report to each Management Committee Meeting and AGM on the state of the club's finances including all income and expenditure.
6.1.5: Press & Media Officer
The Press & Media Officer shall write and issue press releases and organise other publicity events. The Press & Media Officer also has overall responsibility maintenance of the official MKDSA website and the monthly newsletter.
6.1.6: Membership Secretary
The Membership Secretary shall maintain membership lists, process applications and issue membership cards on receipt of application forms together with renewal notices applications.
6.1.7 The Entertainments Officer
The Entertainments Officer shall be responsible for organising MKDSA social events and have primary responsibility for fund raising activities.
6.1.8 The Away Travel Secretary
The Away Travel Secretary shall have overall responsibility for organising and co-ordinating official MKDSA away match travel, ensuring that Milton Keynes Dons Football Club, Thames Valley Police and away clubs are notified accordingly.
6.1.9 Young MK Dons Liaison Officer
Young MK Dons Liaison Officer is responsible for organising and co-ordinating membership benefits and activities for the Young MK Dons.
6.2: The Management Committee shall carry out the policy of MKDSA, as decided by the membership.
6.3: The quorum for a Management Committee meeting shall be half of the serving members plus one at the date of each Committee meeting. Any resignations received will be deemed to be effective immediately for this purpose.
Additionally 2 (two) of the following must be present: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer.
6.4: The Management Committee shall meet quarterly or more often if agreed by a majority of the Management Committee.
6.5: Notice for a Management Committee Meeting shall be at least one full week.
6.6: Other persons may be invited to Management Committee meetings. They shall have speaking rights at the discretion of the Chairperson or acting Chairperson, but shall not have voting rights.
6.7: Voting within the Management Committee shall be by a show of hands and based on a simple majority.
6.8: The Officers shall be elected individually, at the AGM, by the showing of hands. Members wishing to stand for an office must be nominated by a full member and seconded by another full member.
6.9: No individual shall serve in more than two officer roles, at any one time.
6.10: Once Officers have been elected, the remaining places on the Management Committee shall be elected annually, at the AGM, using the following procedure:
Members may stand for the remaining Management Committee positions having been nominated by a full member and seconded by another full member. If no more than 10 (ten) Members are duly nominated, they shall all be deemed elected immediately.
Should the number of Members duly nominated mean that the total size of the Management Committee would exceed 21 (twenty-one) members (see 6.1), a ballot shall be held. Members shall vote by writing the names of up to 10 (ten) candidates on a ballot paper.
The candidates with the most votes will be elected to the serve the remaining places on the Management Committee.
6.11: In the event of a change of Treasurer, the Chairperson shall hold the accounts until such time as the mandates are amended at the bank to reflect this change.
6.11: Management Committee members who are not Officers will assist the Officers in carrying out their roles.
6.12: Any officer post vacated shall be filled as soon as possible, based on nominations and election at the next Management Committee meeting.
7: Finances 7.1: MKDSA shall be self-financing.
7.2: The Treasurer shall have responsibility for the finances of MKDSA
7.3: MKDSA shall have a bank account in the name of the club, and the treasurer shall hold the cheque book and account statements.
7.4: There will be 3 (three) additional bank account signatories, who must be Committee members and elected at a Committee meeting.
7.5: The Treasurer may hold Petty cash up to £100.
7.6: Income for MKDSA shall be from membership fees, personal donations and modest commercial activities such as raffle tickets, merchandise sales, advertising on the MKDSA website or publications or similar fund-raising methods.
7.7: Money raised by MKDSA may only be used to further the aims and objectives of MKDSA
7.8: All income from membership fees, donations and any other sources shall be given to the Treasurer to be accounted for.
7.9: The club will not borrow any money from banks or any other commercial lenders except for using an overdraft on its bank account of £100 (one hundred pounds). The officers of the association may not incur any other debts, liabilities or expenditure on behalf of the association that would cause it to exceed the overdraft limit.
7.10: Any expenditure must be agreed in advance by the Management Committee. If a meeting cannot be organised in time and the matter is urgent, then expenditure may be authorised by the Chairperson and Secretary.
7.11: The Management Committee may agree any expenditure unless such expenditure would breach the provisions set out in 7.9 of the Constitution. Any such expenditure, on any single item over £500 should be accounted for at the next scheduled General Meeting of members. Expediture on any single item over £1,500 requires the agreement of the members via a General Meeting.
7.12: Members who incur legitimate expenses on behalf of MKDSA may claim them back in full from MKDSA funds, but only on production of an itemised receipt, bill or invoice.
7.13: Cheques drawn on the club's bank account must be signed by the Treasurer and one of the other additional bank account signatories.
7.14 In the absence of the Treasurer, and under exceptional circumstances, a cheque drawn on the clubs bank account in the amount of no more than £50 (fifty pounds) may be signed by two of the additional bank account signatories providing approval has been obtained verbally by the Chairperson (and minuted by the Secretary) and later confirmed in writing by the Treasurer.
7.15: Two months prior to the AGM, the clubs accounts will be inspected by an auditor who must not be an officer or other Management Committee member. This audit will be to ensure that the rules under section 7 of this constitution have been complied with.
7.14: At each AGM, or at any time the Management Committee requests an examination, the auditors will report on the finances, and notify MKDSA if there have been any irregularities.
7.15: The MKDSA membership year shall run from 1st June to the 30 May of the following year. The accounting year will run from 1st April the 31st March.
8: Media announcements
8.1: Only the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Press & Media Officer are authorised to give on-the-record comment expressing the opinion of MKDSA
8.2: If there is no club view or policy on a subject, MKDSA members should take care to ensure that any comments attributed to them are expressed in their personal capacity, not as MKDSA representatives.
9: Discipline
9.1: A Member may complain to the Management Committee about the behaviour of any member who appears to be abusive, disruptive, violent, threatening, or which appears to bring the club into disrepute or which is in breach of the MKDSA constitution.
9.2: In the event of a complaint being made, it shall be heard, within one month by the Management Committee, who shall accept a written statement or allow an oral hearing from both the complainant and the member who is the subject of the complaint. The Management Committee may then take the following actions after suitable inquiry and report from the member and any witnesses:
9.2.1: Reject the complaint.
9.2.2: Accept the complaint, but take no further action.
9.2.3: Accept the complaint, taking one or more of the following actions
a: demanding and receiving a written apology
b: receiving an assurance as to future conduct
c: suspending the member for a period of time
d: Expelling the member from MKDSA
e: Notifying the Football Club/police where required by law
9.3: If a complaint is made by - or against - a Management Committee member, they shall
not take part in the hearing other than to state their case. They shall have
no vote in the matter.
10: Club Interface
10.1: The Chairperson acts as the official liaison between MKDSA and Milton Keynes Dons FC (see 6.1.1). As such, all members (including MKDSA club officials) should contact Milton Keynes Dons FC and/or Inter MK regarding MKDSA business through (or with the agreement of) the chairperson.
11: Dissolution
11.1: A motion proposing to dissolve MKDSA may be submitted to the Secretary, provided the motion is supported by the signatures of at least 20 (twenty) full members. An EGM will be called in line with Point 5.2 to 5.5 above.
11.2: To pass this motion at least two-thirds of those present and eligible to vote must vote in favour.
11.3: In the event of the club being dissolved, and after all its debts and liabilities have been satisfied, any surplus assets or property shall be given or transferred to one of the following:
(i) Sporting Trust or sporting Charities operating in the Borough of Milton Keynes.
(ii) One or more societies established for the benefit of the community operating in the Borough of Milton Keynes
(iii) An organisation established to benefit Football supporters, such as Clubs in Crisis or Supporters Direct.
12: The Constitution 12.1: This constitution is the document by which MKDSA operates, and membership of MKDSA signifies acceptance of the terms of the constitution.
12.2: At the Management Committee meeting at least 2 (two) months before the AGM, a group shall be appointed to undertake a review of the constitution.
12.3: Any proposals to change the constitution must be submitted to the Secretary at least one month before the AGM, and circulated to members at least two full weeks before the Meeting.
12.4: Any changes to the constitution must be supported by at least two-thirds of those present and eligible to vote, by show of hands at a General Meeting. The amended constitution shall become binding one full week after the Meeting.
12.5: This constitution was adopted at the Annual General Meeting in May 2004 and modified to reflect the name changes of the Football Club and Supporters Association at the EGM July 2004.
12.6: This constitution supersedes all previous constitutions.
Revision 6.
July 2004