Wicksteed Park web site
Win tickets to Wicksteed Park
Just answer the following question:
Which of these do Academy Footballers eat?
a) Mars Bar
b) Jaffa Cakes
c) Custard Creams
Hint - the answer can be found in Jake & Hannah's article in the September edition of the MKDSA newsletter.
Send your answer, with name and MKDSA membership number via e-mail or by post to MKDSA Wicksteed, PO Box 7294, Milton Keynes, MK8 0ZE
Entries must be received by 12th September.
Have a guess at the answer and complete the form below to enter:
Having trouble submitting your form? Then email your guess to us below:
Or Post entries to:
Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association, PO Box 7294 Milton Keynes MK3 OZE
Another chance to win prizes! We want you to send in by post or e-mail your match reports, reserve or first team, whatever you want. A selection will be published on web and in newsletter, and a draw will be made each month from all entries received with a prize to be awarded monthly. Further details of prizes will be available shortly, but for now Get Writing!!
Or Post entries to:
Milton Keynes Dons Supporters Association, PO Box 7294 Milton Keynes MK3 OZE